Thursday, March 22, 2007

Vulcan Mind Meld

Do you remember the Vulcan mind meld that Mr. Spock would perform on Star Trek? Mr. Spock could place his hand on the temple of another and meld his mind with that person and they would experience his memories in the first person. The mind meld would allow the memories of Spock to be the memories of the person. It wasn't like they were watching his memories on a screen, they were reliving them as if they were their own. There was a union (melding) of the minds and the two became one.

Since we don't have the Vulcan mind meld thing figured out, the best we have are words. We wrestle with finding the right words that somehow convey our experience and form a shared experience. It is limited but over time it can create a oneness if two work at it. I've seen a husband and wife become so connected that in many ways they have achieved a oneness of heart and mind. The spirit of love between the two creates a rich, deep knowing that can be shared with just a look.

What I find interesting is that we all long for that oneness, the experience of union, of something like a Vulcan mind meld. The creative thoughts of the writers of Star Trek to script such a "power" for Spock tell us that there is a rumor percolating in us of a perichoretic fellowship. Down deep we have heard the whisper of such power and union that we wonder if that is possible and hope that it is.

Why is that? I believe that the reason we strain for such expression here is because Christ Jesus has already performed a "Vulcan mind meld" with humanity. Read this:

11For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.

1 Corinthians 2:11-13
So the reality of this passage is that God was not satisfied to just give us words or a book or speakers. He wanted to be able to share a look, a nudge, a sense, a feeling with us and for us to know and understand just what was on His heart and soul. He wanted us to experience as our own His experiences of passion, joy, peace, concern and love and for us to live in step with Him.

How did He do this? He united Himself with us in the incarnation and poured out His Spirit on and in us so that we might experience the "Vulcan mind meld" of Christ and know what it means to really have life! His Life!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's a Scam!

Imagine what it would be like if there was this huge, global collections scam that preyed on the unsuspecting. The Fraudulent Collections Agency continually harasses everyone, sending them notices of delinquent accounts, demands payment and threatens with imprisonment.

An uninformed public pays up and continues to buy the lie that more is owed. They take the harassing calls, buckle to the threats and cower to the demands when in fact nothing is owed! The debt that was once on the books was paid a long time ago. As a matter of fact, the company was brought up on fraud charges and a judge found them liable and condemned the CEO and his lackeys to prison. They are out on appeal but their case will not be overturned and it's just a matter of time before they have to report to prison. Until that time, they are busy perpetrating their fraud and duping poor, unsuspecting people with their convincing tactics.

Wouldn't that scenario be crazy?

Believe it or not, this happens everyday! Satan and his evil minions are busy perpetrating a fraud on humanity telling them they owe a huge debt. Daily, people buy the scam and sell all they have to pay off a debt that is not due. They either don't know that the debt has been paid or they don't believe it. Christ has paid the debt of sin, conquered the penalty of death and restored the credit and standing of man in Himself. Done! Finished!

Next time you get one of those harassing, guilting, shaming collection calls that condemn you. Hang up on the evil schmuck and go back to watching American Idol.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I'm going to take a few weeks off writing to regroup and bring fresh material. Please register for updates and when I start writing you will receive an email notice of new articles.
