Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's a Scam!

Imagine what it would be like if there was this huge, global collections scam that preyed on the unsuspecting. The Fraudulent Collections Agency continually harasses everyone, sending them notices of delinquent accounts, demands payment and threatens with imprisonment.

An uninformed public pays up and continues to buy the lie that more is owed. They take the harassing calls, buckle to the threats and cower to the demands when in fact nothing is owed! The debt that was once on the books was paid a long time ago. As a matter of fact, the company was brought up on fraud charges and a judge found them liable and condemned the CEO and his lackeys to prison. They are out on appeal but their case will not be overturned and it's just a matter of time before they have to report to prison. Until that time, they are busy perpetrating their fraud and duping poor, unsuspecting people with their convincing tactics.

Wouldn't that scenario be crazy?

Believe it or not, this happens everyday! Satan and his evil minions are busy perpetrating a fraud on humanity telling them they owe a huge debt. Daily, people buy the scam and sell all they have to pay off a debt that is not due. They either don't know that the debt has been paid or they don't believe it. Christ has paid the debt of sin, conquered the penalty of death and restored the credit and standing of man in Himself. Done! Finished!

Next time you get one of those harassing, guilting, shaming collection calls that condemn you. Hang up on the evil schmuck and go back to watching American Idol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good to see you back!! I missed you.