Monday, February 05, 2007

Hamster's Wheel

Jesus told us to do the taste test when it comes to religious teaching. Bad fruit comes from bad trees and good fruit comes from good trees. One of the ways that we can determine whether or not to swallow what we are hearing is to ask this question:

"Does this throw me back on myself or does this have me coming to Jesus and resting?"

Religion is full of calls to mount the hamster's wheel. Do this. Do that. Do! Do! Do! Excuse me, but this is dodo! The Gospel News is a declaration of DONE in Jesus!

Religionists will give you detailed lists of the things you need to do to gain God's favor, receive His blessings and get forgiven. These prophets of Baal will instruct you in many things to slash yourself to get God to hear you.

Jesus invites all the weary and loaded up people to come to Him and find rest. He knows how the road is wide with people flocking down the path of religion and winding up with destruction. He also knows how counter-cultural it is to narrow yourself to rest in Him and build your life on Him and His finished work. Building your life on Jesus is the only foundation that will stand the storms of life. Your long list of things to do for Jesus will never cut it and will never last the test of time.

If you are tired of the hamster's wheel of religion, you can climb off any time. Trust that all that is required of you has been done for you by Christ Jesus. It is done - you can stop trying to hold your spiritual tongue just right!

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