Thursday, February 01, 2007

Molesting Eden

As I reflect on the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, it seems to me to be more like a molestation than anything else. A molester always places themselves between the innocent and the protector and sets themselves up as the new friend. In doing so, they then hurt the innocent and it sets off a cascade of pain.

Adam and Eve were not created perfect - they had limitations. They were created "very good". They were created out of nothing and for the purpose of knowing Life through abiding in the Word - Jesus. As a branch rests in a relationship to the vine, man was created to rest in a relationship with God through His Son.

They didn't have a conscience, they had no knowledge of good and evil. What they had was life and relationship with God. All was very good! They were very innocent.

The serpent strutted into their life and positioned itself between the innocent children of God and God Himself. What did he do? He drove a wedge between God and the innocents by calling into question the goodness of God. This is the master work of a molester. "Your parents have left you. They are mad at you. They are not coming back." The hissing lie was God was holding out on Adam and Eve. He really doesn't want you to have life!

The second step was to shame the children. You are flawed - you SHOULD be like God. In other words, the way you are created is flawed. "You are strutting around here with your fly undone, making a fool of yourself, and God doesn't have the common decency to let you know how foolish you look and are. He's holding out on you!"

At this point, Adam and Eve exchanged the truth for a lie. They moved from "God is good and we are loved" to "God is bad and we are flawed". In that moment, the panicked trauma bond is established and the molester is now sought out for the fix.

"What do we do?!"

"Simple, eat the fruit in the middle of the garden and you will be fixed!"

Adam and Eve did just that but far from fixing themselves, they were now cast into a greater despair - they had been molested! To add insult to injury, the serpent now condemns the ones he has robbed of their innocence and tells them - "When God finds out he is going to kill you! Hide, I think I hear his footsteps!"

"Don't look at me! You will see how disgusting I am! Let me distract you from seeing me by masking my shame with these temporary things. There, how do you like me now?"

Our God is a loving and good God and he saw right through the situation. He knew that his children didn't arrive at their shameful conclusions by drawing close to Him and resting in His embrace. He knew that this dis-ease with Him had a source outside of Him.

"Who told you these things about your self? That didn't come from me!"

Lovingly, he explained the implications of talking to strangers and being molested. "It is going to hurt like Hell, children!"

Then he turned His eyes toward the "evil one" and gunned for him. "I will crush you even if it kills me! Just wait!"

Turning His eyes back to His children, dressed in failing coverings, He covered them with "flesh" skins and said, "Come, we have to get you away from the Tree of Life, I can't let you get stuck this way. I have better plans for you!"

1 comment:

<"\___~ said...

As I read your post, I think of how often WE play the part of the serpent, even in the lives of those we love. How sad when we, as parents, feed our children messages with our words or actions that God did not create them "very good". Do we realize that in that we are responsible for driving a wedge between them and their loving Father? Or, how about our spouses? Is it possible we come between them and God, as well, through condemning words? This also has me thinking about how important it is to teach this message to our kids so they might not be ignorantly responsible for allowing the serpent to work through them in the lives of their siblings and maybe other kids at school. My son was telling me this morning as he left for school that his school has acquired the nickname "Suicide High". I have to think that kids who have lost all hope have been sold the lie by someone, somewhere along the way, that they are not "very good". Death and life are in the power of the toungue. (Proverbs18:21) Thanks Mark!