Monday, September 25, 2006

Be Who You Are, Not Who You're Not.

Growing up in a large church with a dynamic pastor had a huge impact on me. It shaped the way I understood ministry and for the longest time shaped the way I viewed my path as someone called into the ministry.

When I sensed God was calling me into the ministry, the only thing I could envision was being a preacher in a big church - wearing dark suits, red ties, and wielding a floppy Bible that I could hold up while making life-changing declarations from "the Word".

While in graduate school working on my Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy (a short detour before I was to head to Ft. Worth for my real preacher's degree), I discovered my true passion, gifts and calling. I was perfectly suited to walk with people through the challenges of their life in a counseling room.

I remember talking with God and saying, "I'm more than willing to be a preacher but I'm not convinced that is what you want me to do with my life. I'm going to follow my passion and gifts and if you want me to preach please let me know."

For sixteen years that has been my path of ministry. This week I will spend over thirty hours intimately walking with people through the challenges and trials of life trying to find the love of God in the midst of struggles and to somehow experience a life change.

Maybe you have had similar experiences. You tried to fit yourself into a mold of someone else's making and it just didn't fit. You found that being someone you're not drains the life from you instead of filling you with life.

Some of you are still working in jobs or careers that don't fit with who you are. You're trapped in roles that someone else guilted you into taking on and are constantly looking for an excuse to not show up.

You are not alone and God is not silent on the subject.

In the book of Galatians (chapter 6:4-5), Paul the writer said:

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

What blows my mind is that God actually wants us to operate within the passion and work that he has designed us for. When living within the zone of our calling, we find we are living a life of fulfillment not drain. (Yes, you will get tired but that is different than having the life sucked out of you.)

So how can you discover how to be who you are and not who you're not?

I find this question helps in the exploration of your calling:

"If failure wasn't a possibility and money wasn't an issue what would you do with your life?"

Take some time to dream and wrestle with that question (and the answers) and find the courage to step out and follow your path. You are worth it!

Be who you are, not who you're not!

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