Saturday, August 19, 2006

Always More Than You Imagined!

I went to sleep last night at 11PM and woke to the sound of a beeping watch at 3:15AM. What is that sound? Oh, yea, that's my alarm going off. I have to go help my Marathon Makeover group get in their 18 miles.

Up and at 'em and out the door at 4AM - ten water coolers in tow. After depositing water coolers all over the Reservoir area, Robin and I set out to knock off half the mileage - only 9 miles! Short run!

I've been hurting from a broken toe (I kicked a couch in the dark) and the effects messed up my gait. This has messed up my training and the hopes of a 4 hour marathon, but today I remembered something very important. On any given day, you can go three times the distance you have done up to that point.

This morning I walked, I ran and I enjoyed myself and got in twelve miles. Let's see - 12 x 3 = 36 miles. 26.2 miles will be a breeze! I'm going for it!

So what's the point? Even when life throws you some curve balls and your plans seem hopeless, you can always do more than you ever imagined. Your initial goals may need to be adjusted but there is still a way to experience a personal success. You may change your approach, but never give up!

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