Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Empty Boxes

Q. How do you get something out of an empty box?

A. You put something in it!

Marriage is like an empty box. You marriage is only as good as the energy you put into it and is only as beautiful as the time you spend tending to it.

Many people I see with marriage troubles have approached marriage as if it were an appliance.

"This darn dishwasher (marriage) just isn't working anymore."

When an appliance doesn't work, you kick it, maybe cuss it, jiggle it and then start looking for an opportunity to replace it.

"We went to a repair man and he couldn't fix it, so it's time to put this dishwasher (marriage) to rest and find a new one. I hear there are a lot of new features on the new models!"

Marriages aren't appliances and aren't repairable. Let me say that again - marriages aren't appliances and aren't repairable. People are the repairable ones!

A marriage is the sum of its parts and if the some doesn't add up then the parts are lacking. Work on the only part in the marriage you can truly change - yourself and invest in the empty box.

Do you want passion in the marriage? Put some passion into it. Do you want attention? Put a little attention in it. Do you want respect? Give some respect.

Instead of looking for what you can get out of the box (marriage), look at what you can give and invest in the box (marriage).

Where YOU INVEST is where your heart will be.

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