Monday, November 20, 2006

Too Salty!

Saturday night Robin and I went to see the latest James Bond movie - Casino Royale - and had a great evening... except the popcorn. I took out a second mortgage for a small bag of popcorn and a 20 ounce bottle of water.

As I watched the 15 minutes of previews (actually one of my favorite parts of the movie experience) I dove into my bag of popcorn, "Boy! This is some salty popcorn!" I said to my wife. I kept eating.

I don't know why I do that, but I kept working my way through the bag of super-salty popcorn until... until... I bit into one piece of popcorn that must have been rolled and battered in salt. Ughhhhh!

"Where's the water!? Give me a few Raisinettes to balance me out!" That was a close call.

As I reflected later on my experience, I thought about how the Scriptures tell us to be salt in this world. Salt that flavors and adds to the experience of life and brings out the mystery of Christ hidden in this creation and waiting to be revealed. BUT...

How many times are we too salty and instead of whetting the appetite of unbelievers for the sweet flavor of Christ, we turn them off with a choking glob of self-righteousness? When we go overboard, all we do is compel the world to go on a low or no sodium diet.

Be salty and yet be careful to not stump your toe when flavoring your relationships with your relationship with Christ.

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