Monday, October 23, 2006

More than you can imagine!

I'm always amazed at what we are able to do when we decide to do something. Two weeks ago, I was unsure if my leg was going to let me run the Chicago Marathon. Yesterday I ran all 26.2 miles of the Chicago Marathon and finished in 5:26:19 (5 hours - 26 minutes - 19 seconds).

What was the most rewarding part of the marathon? Having 55 of 56 people we trained through our Marathon Makeover program finish the whole marathon (the one who didn't, went 13.1 miles as was her goal after recovering from major surgery). Most of these incredible folks couldn't do much more than a mile last January and all of them made a decision to do more than they could imagine. We had those in their twenty's up to one 70 years old who finished in 8:02:22.

What have you not tried or dismissed because you thought it was more than you could imagine? Do something spectacular and go for something more than you can imagine!

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