Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sex Rules

Believe it or not I have three rules for sex in marriage that, if they are followed, will lead to a great, healthy, fulfilling sex life.

What are they?

Rule 1 - When both of you want to have sex - GO FOR IT!
This rule is rarely if ever hard to keep. When the two of you are in the mood the fireworks usually begin.

Rule 2 - If you can - DO!
In other words, if one of you wants to and the other is emotionally and physically able to give - give. Many times one spouse is in the mood and the other just isn't thinking about it at the moment; however, with a little TLC and time cuddling things will get moving.

IMPORTANT - It is not the amorous partner's role to tell the other they can. "Honey, I really think you can - you just don't realize it." This is a violation of Rule #2.

Rule 3 - If you can't - DON'T!
If emotionally and physically one of you can't give sexually from the heart, just say no. It is when couples respect each other's "no's" without guilt, huffing and puffing, sighs and snide comments they are more likely to have more success keeping Rules 1 and 2.

For a great resource on sex and marriage go to www.themarriagebed.com

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